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Volume 7   Issue 1   Year 2012
Modeling of the Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and the Soil Nutrients in Mineral Soil and Forest Floor

Komarov A.S., Khoraskina Yu.S., Bykhovets S.S., Bezrukova M.G., Chertov O.G.

Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems on Soil Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, 142290, Russian Federation

Abstract. Description of a new version of the model of soil organic matter dynamics and a model of calcium dynamics in the soil based on this new version are described. Different approaches to modeling of the soil processes are considered. The calcium dynamics model’s work has been applied for oak forest in the Moscow region with two scenarios of the development as an example. It has been shown that a response of pools of the more mobile calcium forms is significant after the external disturbances (clear cutting), but the response depends on the forest type and the total amount of the soil organic matter humus to some extent.

Key words: modeling of soil organic matter dynamics, calcium turnover, forest ecosystem disturbances, consequences of cuttings.

Table of Contents Original Article
Komarov A.S., Khoraskina Yu.S., Bykhovets S.S., Bezrukova M.G., Chertov O.G. Modeling of the Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and the Soil Nutrients in Mineral Soil and Forest Floor. Ìàthematical biology and bioinformatics. 2012;7(1):162-176. doi: 10.17537/2012.7.162
(published in Russian)

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