An Estimation of Moisture Availability Influence on Daytime Variability of Photosynthesis-Light Curves
Molchanov A.G.
Institute of the Forest Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Uspenskoe, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region , 143030, Russian Federation
Abstract. During the day, photosynthesis-light curves change in depends on a lot of factors, but it is not taken into account practically in the known models. We offer to use the photosynthesis data received for a light day on leafy shoots instead on a separate leaf. The daily intensity of photosynthesis of leafy shoots also changes in depends on daily intensity of solar radiation, conditions of water supply and air temperature. Equation of photosynthesis intensity is presented.
Key words: photosynthesis-light curves, water supply, water potential before dawn, photosynthesis during the day.