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Volume 7   Issue 1   Year 2012
Evaporation of Forest Ecosystems in the Central Part of European Russia During the Holocene

Olchev A., Novenko E.

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, 119071, Russian Federation
Institute of Geograph, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation

Abstract. Regression model to calculate annual actual (ET) and potential (PET) evaporation, as well as transpiration (TR) of forest ecosystems of Central European Russia was suggested and verified. It was developed using results of numerical experiments with a Mixfor-SVAT model for forest stands with different species compositions and for scenarios imitating various thermal and moisture conditions of the area.
The regression model was applied to estimate ET, PET and TR during the Holocene using results paleobotanical and paleoclimatological studies. Calculation results showed that minimal ET and PET in the Late Glacial and the Holocene was obtained for cold phase of the Younger Dryas stadial (10.0 – 11.0 kyr BP) when ÅT varied between 320 and 370 mm per year and PET - between 410 and 480 mm per year. During the warmest periods of the Holocene (4.5-4.8 kyr BP) ÅT and PET reached maximal values (430-450 mm per year and 550-570 mm per year, respectively).

Key words: regression model, actual and potential evaporation, transpiration, Mixfor-SVAT model, paleoclimatic reconstructions, Holocene.

Table of Contents Original Article
Olchev A., Novenko E. Evaporation of Forest Ecosystems in the Central Part of European Russia During the Holocene. Ìàthematical biology and bioinformatics. 2012;7(1):284-298. doi: 10.17537/2012.7.284
(published in Russian)

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