Russian version English version
Volume 13   Issue Suppl.   Year 2018
Investigation of Latent Periodicity Phenomenon in the Genomes of Eukaryotic Organisms

Chaley M.B., Kutyrkin V.A., Tyulbasheva G.E., Teplukhina E.I., Nazipova N.N.

Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics. 2018. V. 13. Ή Suppl. P. t84–t103.
doi: 10.17537/2018.13.t84

Translation into English of the original article published in Russian
Chaley M.B., Kutyrkin V.A., Tyulbasheva G.E., Teplukhina E.I., Nazipova N.N.
Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics. 2013. V. 8. No 2. P. 480–501.

doi: 10.17537/2013.8.480


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