Russian version English version
Volume 15   Issue 2   Year 2020
Shevela E.Y.1, Markova E.V.1,2, Knyazheva M.A.1, Proskurina A.S.3, Efremov Y.R.2,3, Molodtsov V.V.2,4, Seledtsov I.A.4, Ostanin A.A.1, Bogachev S.S.3, Kolchanov N.A.3, Chernykh E.R.1

Changes in the Hippocampal Genes Transcriptome in Depression Model Mice upon Intranasal Exposure to M2 Macrophage Secretome Factors

Mathematical Biology & Bioinformatics. 2020;15(2):357-393.

doi: 10.17537/2020.15.357.


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doi: 10.17537/2020.15.357
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