Spectral and Spatial Characteristics of the Activity of Brain Structures, Participating In the Perception and Production of Speech
Pankratova N.M.1, Polikarpov M.A.2, Tarasov E.F.3, Rykunov S.D.1, Ustinin M.N.1
1Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
2National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russian Federation
3Institute of Linguistics RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
Abstract. Spectral and spatial characteristics of the encephalograms, registered while speech perception and production, are considered. Systematical bibliographical review is presented, including the articles studying the speech sources spectra and their location in the brain. Encephalography is selected as a basic experimental approach. Advantages of the magnetic encephalography, experimental difficulties and possible artifacts are noted. It is concluded that brain speech activity possesses a great variety of spectral and spatial features. The method of functional tomography based on magnetic encephalography data is proposed to quantitatively analyze this activity in detail. The method makes it possible to extract and precisely localize in space various spectral features of the brain activity studied in experiments on speech research.
Key words: speech recognition, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, Fourier transform, inverse problem, functional structure of the brain, presentive lexical item, non-presentive lexical item, creolized text, meaning of the text, emotionally colored word.