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Volume 14   Issue 2   Year 2019
Mathematical Modeling
A Modular Visual Model of Energy Metabolism in Human Skeletal Muscle
Kiselev I.N., Akberdin I.R., Vertyshev A.Yu., Popov D.V., Kolpakov F.A.
Comparison Of Modeling Schemes for Natural Course Of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Konstantin K. Avilov, Alexei A. Romanyukha, Evgeny M. Belilovsky, Sergey E. Borisov
Mathematical Modeling of Open States in Double Stranded DNA Molecule Depending on 2H/1H Ratio
Dzhimak S.S., Drobotenko M.I., Basov A.A., Svidlov A.A., Baryshev M.G.
Information and Computer Technologies in Biology and Medicine
Platelet Adhesion Quantification to Fluorinated Polyethylene from the Structural Caracteristics of Its Surface
Isaev E.A., Pervukhin D.V., Kornilov V.V., Tarasov P.A., Grigoriev A.A., Rudyak Y.V., Rytikov G.O., Nazarov V.G.
The Integration of Simulation Models for Complex Evaluation of Different Forest Ecosystem Services: Methodological Approaches
Grabarnik P.Ya., Chertov O.G., Chumachenko S.I., Shanin V.N., Khanina L.G., Bobrovskiy M.V., Bykhovets S.S., Frolov P.V.
On Possibility of Machine Learning Application for Diagnosing Dementia by Eeg Signals
Dorovskih I.V., Senko O.V., Chuchupal V.Ya., Dokukin A.A., Kuznetsova A.V.


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