Integrated Software MEGMRIAn for the Analysis and Modeling of the Magnetic Encephalography Data
Ustinin M.N., Sychev V.V., Llinás R.R.
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS, Pushchino, 142290, Russian Federation
New York University, NY, 10016, USA
Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences, Pushchino, 142290, Russian Federation
Abstract. The software was developed for the magnetic encephalography data processing, making it possible to analyze spontaneous and evoked activity of the human brain. The software can be used with different types of magnetoencephalographs. Results of the data analysis can be presented on the magnetic resonance image of the head. Magnetic fields of the equivalent current dipoles can be modeled, using tomogram as a head model, while probes positions correspond to real device. The software makes it possible to perform the whole cycle of computational and real experiment, choosing the optimal roadmap of the data processing.
Key words: magnetic encephalography, spontaneous and evoked activity, inverse problem solution, spectral analysis.