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Volume 4   Issue 2   Year 2009
Some Features of Generation and Analysis of Distributions of Individuals on the Number and Occurrence Frequency of Blood Lymphocytes' Cells with Chromosomal Abnormalities

Florko B.V., Osipova L.P., Korogodina V.L.

Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow region
Institute of cytology and genetics, Siberian branch of RAS, Novosibirsk

Abstract. In the paper, the mathematical analysis of generation regularities of distributions of persons on the number and occurrence frequency of blood lymphocytes' cells with chromosomal abnormalities at binomial and geometrical laws of an appearance of cells with chromosomes' aberrations among proliferated (capable to division) ones is presented. The connection of persons' distribution on the number and occurrence frequency of aberrant cells with persons' distribution on the number of proliferated cells is considered. A comparison of modeling result and experimental material is provided. It is concluded that exponential distribution of persons on the number of the occurrence frequency of aberrant cells is a feature of geometrical law of the appearance of aberrant cells among proliferated one, and bell-shaped distribution of persons on the number of the occurrence frequency of aberrant cells is a feature of binomial law of the appearance of aberrant cells among proliferated one.

Key words: number of cells with chromosome aberrations; frequency of cells with chromosome aberrations; blood lymphocytes; geometrical distribution; binomial distribution.


Table of Contents Original Article
Florko B.V., Osipova L.P., Korogodina V.L. Some Features of Generation and Analysis of Distributions of Individuals on the Number and Occurrence Frequency of Blood Lymphocytes' Cells with Chromosomal Abnormalities . Ìàthematical biology and bioinformatics. 2009;4(2):52-65. doi: 10.17537/2009.4.52
(published in Russian)

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