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Volume 15   Issue 2   Year 2020
Review Articles
The complexity of DNA sequences. Different approaches and definitions
Vladimir D. Gusev, Liubov A. Miroshnichenko
Mathematical Modeling
Discrete-Time Model of Seasonal Plankton Bloom
Neverova G.P., Zhdanova O.L., Abakumov A.I.
DNA Transformation, Cell Epigenetic Landscape and Open Complex Dynamics in Cancer Development
Naimark O.B., Bayandin Yu.V., Beloglazova Yu.A., Gagarskich O.N., Grishko V.V., Nikitiuk A.S., Voronina A.O.
Rational Design of Potential Bcr-Abl Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors by the Methods of Molecular Modeling
Anrdrianov A.M., Kornoushenko Yu.V., Karpenko A.D., Bosko I.P., Ignatovich Zh.V., Koroleva E.V.
Coding Structure for the ORF1ab, S, M and N Coronavirus Genes
Chaley M.B., Tyulko Zh.S., Kutyrkin V.A.
RDBMS and NOSQL Based Hybrid Technology for Transcriptome Data Structuring and Processing
Mukhin A.M., Genaev M.A., Rasskazov D.A., Lashin S.A., Afonnikov D.A.
Systems Biology
Changes in the Hippocampal Genes Transcriptome in Depression Model Mice upon Intranasal Exposure to M2 Macrophage Secretome Factors
Shevela E.Y., Markova E.V.,, Knyazheva M.A., Proskurina A.S., Efremov Y.R.,, Molodtsov V.V.,, Seledtsov I.A., Ostanin A.A., Bogachev S.S., Kolchanov N.A., Chernykh E.R.
Information and Computer Technologies in Biology and Medicine
Skin Lesion Classification Using Deep Learning Methods
Shchetinin E.Yu., Demidova A.V., Kulyabov D.S., Sevastyanov L.A.


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