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Table of Contents
Original Article
Danilkovich A.V., Tikhonov D.A., Sobolev E.V., Shadrina T.E., Udovichenko I.P. On The Choice of Force Fields for Studying the Molecular Dynamics of Ion Peptides and Their Dimers.
Ìàthematical biology and bioinformatics.
2011;6(1):53-62. doi: 10.17537/2011.6.53 (published in Russian)
Abstract (rus.)
Abstract (eng.)
Full text (rus., pdf)
Translation into English
Danilkovich A.V., Tikhonov D.A., Sobolev E.V., Shadrina T.E., Udovichenko I.P. On The Choice of Force Fields for Studying the Molecular Dynamics of Ion Peptides and Their Dimers.
Ìàthematical biology and bioinformatics.
2018;13(Suppl.):t29-t38. doi: 10.17537/2018.13.t29
Full text (eng., pdf)