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Volume 6   Issue 1   Year 2011

  1. Skvortsova VI, Limborskaia SA, Kol'tsova EA, Slominskii PA. Prilozhenie “Insul't” k zhurnalu Nevrologiia i psikhiatriia (Supplement “Blood-Stroke”. Neurology and Psychiatry). 2001;1:23-29 (in Russ.).
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Table of Contents Original Article
Kuznetsova A.V., Kostomarova I.V., Vodolagina N.N., Malygina N.F., Senko O.V. Study of effects of clinical and genetic factors on severity of discirculatory encephalopathy with the help of pattern recognition methods. Ìàthematical biology and bioinformatics. 2011;6(1):115-146. doi: 10.17537/2011.6.115
(published in Russian)

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